
A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

DCS-BBN - Blockchain Cloud Storage

DCS-BBN - Blockchain Cloud Storage

DCS-BBN is a Decentralized Cloud System based on Blockchian Networking. This is Python developed code for the system.Completely Decentralized system gives no single point of failure. Allows connectivity and chance to convert DCScoin with any big blockchian coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple. Find the code link here .

Relational Database System

Relational Database System

Developed replica of MySQL with JAVA from crash. Can Execuite all the queries like normal traditional database.Saves the table and information in TXT file with in-system parser. Generate SQL Dump file at the end of execution and export all the data from the system.Reverse Enginner and develop ERD Diagram with all the relationships between tablesVisit the code link here .

Chat App

Chat App

The platform extracts the data with Webrtc Api and the it connects the users throught that api, continuing with that we are adding multiple modes and filters for the users. The app is designed to take only 2 users as the time and others will wait their way in the waiting room until the conversation is over. The application is hosted in Heroku.Find the code link here .

Earth Wind

Earth Wind

This is the model of Earth which shows the speed of the winds!! The app is designed to take live information from the server and pin point speed representation of any pirticular lattitude and longitude of the earth. The application is hosted in Versal.Find the code link here .

Gif Finder

Gif Finder

Find any GIF from the internet in one shot. Built with Javascript, HTML, CSS. Hosted at versal with global hosting services. Find the code link here .

Message Me

Message Me

This is the map where we could put the public message to our friends. App detects users location (from browser or IP), Guests of the website can leave a message. A pin will be added to the map with the users location and message. Find the code link here .



Get redirector to every page you need to visit . Built with Javascript, HTML, CSS. Hosted at github pages for optimum search speed. Find the code link here .